Pest Control Company in Kansas City | Heat Prep Video for Bedbugs

We are a Pest Control Company in Kansas City
ZipZap Bed Bug Control KC is a Pest Control Company in Kansas City. We are located in the Pleasant Valley Missouri area, just south of Liberty, Missouri. All we do is kill bugs as a Pest Control Company in Kansas City. ZipZap has been in business since 1985. We are serving the Greater Kansas City area in pest control services. The owner has been performing pest control since 1985 when he started working with his father in Arizona. ZipZap offers a variety of pest control services in the Greater Kansas Area, including bedbugs. ZipZap offers thermal remediation for bedbugs in Kansas City. We also offer the One and Done, Vikane fumigation for bedbugs in Kansas City as well.

Third Generation Pest Control Company in Kansas City
One of our owners and Board Certified Entomologist has been working as a Pest Control Company in Kansas City since 1985. The wife, owner his two sons, and one daughter work in the business as well. Because all members of the family have a role to play in the success of the Pest Control Company in Kansas City, they take pride in the service that is provided. As a third-generation pest company, ZipZap takes great pride in the service they provide to their customers. “We work tirelessly striving to exceed our customer's expectations.” We want everyone to know how hard we work on being the best pest control company in Kansas City.
Pest Control Company in Kansas City that Fumigates your home items for Bedbugs in a moving truck
ZipZap is a Pest Control Company in Kansas City that uses Vikane gas to fumigate moving trucks for bedbugs. Fumigate Semi-cabs for bedbugs. Fumigate cars for bedbugs. Therefore we will fumigate your home in Kansas City for bedbugs. Because fumigation is a One and Done process, it is 100% guaranteed to kill all stages of bedbugs in Kansas City. Are you having a bad problem with bedbugs that you can’t tackle? Let us fumigate your home, moving truck, or car for bedbugs. Fumigation for bedbugs in Kansas City is a highly specialized process. Not all companies you call will have the ability to help with your Fumigation needs. ZipZap is a leader in Kansas City for home fumigation of bedbugs. Please click on the link to find out more about using Vikane gas fumigation for bedbugs in Kansas City. visit
While one treatment with Vikane can eliminate a bed bug infestation, bed bugs will remain a problem if they are brought back into a structure after fumigation.

Bedbug Prep Video for Heating for Bedbugs in Kansas City
Because preparing for heat for bedbugs can be overwhelming. Please watch the video below if you are preparing for the thermal heat treatment of bed bugs in Kansas City. Watch for success in heat treatment for bedbugs in Kansas City. Please note we don’t ask that you remove items from your home. The more things you remove from your home and bring back in. The better a chance of a re-infestation of bedbugs in your Kansas City home.
Looking for a Pest Control Company in Kansas City
Because you are looking for a pest control company in Kansas City. You have found them. ZipZap Termite and Pest Control is the company to hire. Therefore this is all we do. We don’t put up Christmas lights, and We don’t do carpet cleaning. Consequently, we are the company to choose for your pest control needs.
Fumigation for bed bugs in Kansas City or Heating for bed bugs in Kansas City is a choice. It is based on a variety of situations about the space we are treating for bed bugs. For instance. We are a Pest Control Company in Kansas City. If we were treating a moving truck for bed bugs in Kansas City, then I would suggest you perform fumigation for bed bugs to that moving truck instead of heat treatment. The Vikane gas would penetrate all items in the moving truck for bed bugs. We are killing all stages of bed bugs eggs, nymphs, and adults.
Therefore, if we would do heat treatment for the bed bugs in a moving truck. We would have to unpack the entire trailer as the heat would not penetrate all items in the truck. This would then cause the treatment to fail since not all things would be treated. In the moving truck situation fumigating for bedbugs in a moving truck is the 100% way to eliminate all stages of bed bugs.