
Zika in Kansas City

Nearly everyone is affected by mosquitoes during the warmer months of the year. Most people are concerned about Zika in Kansas City. These pests swarm at outdoor events and breed prolifically in stagnant water–from bird baths to discarded tires–even puddles from the latest rainfall. Certain land features, such as swamps, reservoirs, and retention ponds, are virtual breeding grounds for mosquitoes. And, all it takes is one tenacious pest to infiltrate your home and make everyone inside miserable.

Mosquitoes feed on nectar. Mosquitoes do not require blood to live. The female mosquito needs blood to be able to lay eggs. The male mosquitos are not blood drinkers. The female continues the cycle of drinking blood to produce young and will continue this cycle in her two-week life span.

Mosquitoes cause more deaths to humans than any other insects and are considered an unpleasant nuisance. A mosquito can feed on humans as well as animals, which makes it easy for them to infect host upon host.

Mosquitos, upon biting, can transmit several diseases, including dengue, malaria, and encephalitis. West Nile virus spread quickly and infected every state in our Union in 1999. This was well-known and publicized. West Nile is an Encephalitis virus.

Mosquito control is essential for the well being of humans and their health. There are a variety of mosquito species that can carry a variety of more deadly diseases than others. Insecticide treatments have been used often and have been very effective in controlling populations in combating mosquitoes on a wide-scale basis. Contact a professional if you feel your area is prone to mosquitoes. We can prescribe the treatment that is just right for your situation.