Common Bed Bug
Common bed bug The Common Bed Bug in Kansas City

Common Bed Bug in Kansas City this bed bug in Kansas City is associated with humans but can also be found on bats, poultry, pigeons, and pets. This bed bug in Kansas City is the most typical bed bug we see here in Kansas City when someone calls our office here at ZipZap Bed Bug KC to answer what is biting them in the night. The control method for this bed bug found in Kansas City could be steam control for bed bugs, chemical treatment for bed bugs or heat treatments for bed bug control in Kansas City, or a combination of some or all of the techniques described.
Common Bed Bug in Kansas City
The common bed bug in Kansas City is Cimex lectularius [Hemiptera: Cimicidae]: A widespread, obligate, blood-sucking parasite of humans gregarious in human habitations. Adult to 6 mm long, oval in outline shape and reddish-brown; Antenna with four segments, apical three segments, projecting postero-ventrally to Coxa. Prothorax recessed medially to surround posterior and lateral margin of head; apterous; tarsal formula 3-3-3. Abdomen with 11 segments; female bed bug with a notch (paragenital sinus) along the fifth Sternum's right posterior margin, notch opens into Ectospermalege.
Male bed bug with the corresponding left Paramere (right Paramere absent) engages in ‘traumatic insemination.” Bed bugs are nocturnal and rest away from hosts during daylight; bed bug feeds at night via several linearly arranged, closely spaced wounds; parasite rapidly engorges and detaches from the host. Bed bugs life cycle typically requires 6-8 weeks, ca 3 weeks at 30°C. Bed bugs live for six months and can live for one year without feeding. Bed bug infestations are associated with poor sanitation or housekeeping; high-population infestations create a distinctive, sickly sweet odor associated with bed bug excrement. Female bed bugs lay 200-300 eggs; eggs white, operculate, 1 mm long, and 0.5 mm wide.
Female bed bugs prefer rough surfaces as oviposition sites; eggs are held in place with transparent, glue-like accessory gland secretion. Bed bug eggs placed individually in cracks and crevices near the host’s sleeping area; eclosion from eggs occurs within 7 days (ca 4-5 days at 32°C); bed bug eggs do not hatch at temperature extremes (<13°C, >37°C). Bed bugs undergo five nymphal instars, and each requires a blood meal; the first instar can feed within 24 hours following eclosion. Bed bug bites usually not felt by the host; bed bug saliva (anticoagulant) injected at feeding sites but rarely caused an allergic reaction. Feeding requires 5-10 minutes. Bed bugs do not display site preference on the host’s body. Bed bugs can feed upon mice, rats, rabbits, and chickens.